Warm welcome from Ginger & Jamu

A bit about our menu.


Ginger & Jamu sources more than 90% of its ingredients locally from Bali. We get our supplies from small scale farmers who do not use poisons. This ensures the sustainability of the soil is maintained while also providing us with great nutrient density and flavor! The great thing is that this means our dishes are free of chemical irritants, which, though commonly accepted, are responsible for many unnecessary health issues.


Our dishes are crafted with the specific intent of satisfying both your taste buds and your nutritional needs. We emphasize the use of whole foods, rich in fiber and nutrients, this is what truly fills our stomachs while leaving us feeling light and energized.


We make nearly all of our preparations from scratch by hand with high quality ingredients so we know it’s only got the good stuff in it. We added a few notes on the makeup of our preparations in the menu for your interest.


Thanks to you for being here, and for this wonderful place where we are very grateful to be able to share Balis bounty with you!

V  Vegan  VEGE  Vegetarian  GF  Gluten Free  WF  Wheat Free

NF  Nut Free  DF  Dairy Free  O  Option

 =  little bit spicy

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